idk The students prepared charts and models on Blood Donation to raise awareness about the importance of donating blood and to educate others about the process and benefits of blood donation. idk
“Blood donation is a selfless act that holds the power to save lives and make a significant impact on the well-being of individuals in need. Blood donation promotes a culture of compassion and altruism within communities. It encourages individuals to think beyond themselves and consider the well-being of others. Grade XI had taken up the project “Blood Donation” to understand the importance of blood donation and make others aware about it. Blood Donation campaigns play a vital role in raising awareness and dispelling myths surrounding the process.”
idk A session on the importance of blood donation was conducted by Dr. Sunil Nandwani. It provided students with the essential knowledge about the importance of blood donation, including its lifesaving impact, the donation process, eligibility criteria and post-donation care. This education equipped students with the information they needed to make informed decisions about becoming blood donors in future. idk