"EXCELLENCE OUR ENDEAVOUR" is the motto of Carmel Junior College. The School aims at the integral development of the whole person, enlightened leadership, social responsibility and commitment to nation building. Over the years, it has built its own image, culture and ethos. It has excelled in the field of education and has striven to produce dynamic and socially useful citizens for our country respecting all castes, creeds and religions and above all upholding the core value of human dignity. The students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E.) and Indian School Certificate (I.S.C) Examinations. The School is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.
The medium of instruction is English but very special emphasis is given to Hindi, the national language, together with the essential subjects : Sanskrit, History, Geography, Social studies, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical Training, Computer Application, Economics Application, Fine Arts and so on. The School has well equipped laboratories for science, modern computer Labs and library to allow the pupils to develop and foster their innate talents and keep abreast with the modern education from the very beginning. The School lays a great deal of stress on character formation and development of spiritual and ethical values which are imparted regularly to students through the teaching of Value Education.
Rules Of The School
Students should arrive at school 15 minutes before the Assembly. Soon after the assembly bell, the school gates will be locked and the late comers will return home at the risk of the parents / guardians. Participation in the morning assembly is compulsory for all in Carmel.
Carmel students should behave in a decent manner on their way to school. They are reminded that the school is judged by their conduct. Therefore, pupils are answerable to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside the school. Any report on objectionable conduct on the part of the pupil, exposes themselves to disciplinary action, not excluding expulsion.
English shall be spoken at all times in the school premises by the students and even while coming to school and returning.
Students should take good care of their books and their personal belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil's name, admission number and class.
The school is not responsible for the goods lost. Students are not allowed to bring any expensive articles to school.
School diary should be brought to school daily. Novels, Magazines, News papers, so on are not to be brought to the school.
No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours or recess without the permission of the Vice Principal or Principal. No child will be sent home even if some urgent need arises, unless a duly authorized person comes to fetch him/ her with a note of authority from the parents or guardian.
All children are expected to bring the tiffin with them for the recess.
No student shall carry mobile phone or any kind of electronic gadget to the school. Use of it in school campus is punishable under law. If found, such articles will be confiscated and will be returned only to the parents.
Students shall not offer gifts or presents to their teachers.
Any damage done to the school property should be made good by the pupil concerned.
All homework should be done neatly and the day’s work always dated.
Smoking, chewing gum, chewing tobacco or pan masala is strictly forbidden in the school premises.
Students should treat others respectfully and are responsible for other’s good name. Calling nick-name, spreading rumours, use of slang etc. are strictly forbidden, and are liable to strict disciplinary action.
Students are to address their teachers and all members of the school with respect and politeness.
Every student is expected to subscribe to small charities if requested by the principal. However no fines, funds or collections are to be made in the school without the written permission or notice from the principal.
It is compulsory for every student to take part in curricular and co-curricular activities organized by the school.
We expect the boys to have a short haircut, decent hairstyle with the hair line well above the shirt collar and a clean shaven face.
Girls must tie their hair neatly with black band. They will wear a white knee length slip under their uniform.
Personal cleanliness is very essential. The fingernails should be trimmed, and the shoes be polished daily. Wristwatch, bangles, hair pin, rings, colour earnings, ornaments, jewellery, nail polish, mehendi etc. are not allowed in the School.
Wearing of uniform at school every day is compulsory for all. A student who is not properly dressed and groomed may be excluded from the class or sent back home. Children should therefore be provided with sufficient sets of uniform.
Bags made of soft materials are to be used by the students for bringing books to the class.
Regularity Record
Leave of absence is not granted without a previous written application from the parents stating the reason. Such reasons as birthdays, excursions, festivals, weddings, urgent business, preparation for examination are not considered sufficient.
Unauthorised absence from the school is not tolerated except in sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances. Reasons for absence, due to unforeseen circumstances, or due to sickness which may exceed two or three days must also be stated briefly in the regularity record and has to be signed first by the Class Teacher and then by the Principal.
It is mandatory for the students to attend the school on days marked “Compulsory Attendance”. In case of sickness, notify the principal on the same day with relevant medical documents.
Admission to the class for absentees is granted only when they show the class teacher the Regularity Record duly countersigned by the Principal / Vice Principal.
If absent for one day enter the reason in the regularity record and show to Class Teacher.
If the leave is for more than one day the regularity record has to be first shown to the Class Teacher and then to the Principal.
All leave must be applied for in writing to the Principal.
If any unauthorized ABSENCE EXCEEDS TEN CALENDAR DAYS, the defaulter’s NAME WILL BE STRUCK OFF THE ROLLS and considered withdrawn.
Examination & Promotion
There are three major examinations in a year, i.e. First term, Second Term and Final, besides internal assessments and regular class tests. The pass mark is 40%
Please do not send any sick child for any test/exam.
If any child does not attend the school for the entire day on any unit test/exam day, the marks of the day’s subject will not reflect in the progress report.
Promotion is given on the basis of one year’s work and not merely on marks scored in the exams. Every student must be present for all the major exams. The average of these is taken at the end of the year.
Total aggregate of 40% in each subject is a precondition for promotion. Class work and home work are also assessed and awarded with the internal assessment.
Each student is required to be present for 90% of school days as a pre-condition for promotion and to appear for the ICSE / ISC examination.
There shall be neither re-test nor re-exam.
The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered.
No rank will be given if a child has failed or absented in any subject.
Strict action will be taken against those who resort to unfair means in the examinations.
If a pupil does not pass in all subjects, any concession that he / she may enjoy is cancelled.
The evaluated answer script and other works done by the students are within the jurisdiction of the school and therefore an outside person or authority has no right to check, scrutinize or claim back the answer scripts or any work done by the students. Answer scripts are retained in the school only for a month after publishing the results.
Evaluated answer scripts are shown to the parents after the first and second term examinations. Answer papers of final examination will not be, under any circumstances, shown or returned.
If any child does not attend the school for the entire day on any unit test/exam day, the marks of the day’s subject will not reflect in the progress report.
Promotion is given on the basis of one year’s work and not merely on marks scored in the exams. Every student must be present for all the major exams. The average of these is taken at the end of the year.
Total aggregate of 40% in each subject is a precondition for promotion. Class work and home work are also assessed and awarded with the internal assessment.
Each student is required to be present for 90% of school days as a pre-condition for promotion and to appear for the ICSE / ISC examination.
There shall be neither re-test nor re-exam.
The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered.
No rank will be given if a child has failed or absented in any subject.
Strict action will be taken against those who resort to unfair means in the examinations.
If a pupil does not pass in all subjects, any concession that he / she may enjoy is cancelled.
The evaluated answer script and other works done by the students are within the jurisdiction of the school and therefore an outside person or authority has no right to check, scrutinize or claim back the answer scripts or any work done by the students. Answer scripts are retained in the school only for a month after publishing the results.
Evaluated answer scripts are shown to the parents after the first and second term examinations. Answer papers of final examination will not be, under any circumstances, shown or returned.
Withdrawal & Expulsion
Before withdrawing a student from the school a month’s notice is to be given or a month’s fee in lieu of notice.
No school leaving certificate will be issued unless requested in writing by the parent and the dues are cleared.
The Principal reserves the right to take disciplinary action against the students, whose attendance is irregular, who do not pay their fees, who are habitually absent, lazy, dishonest or disobedient, who fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct in any way is detrimental to the discipline of the institution; of immorality, or whose sickness is liable to be injurious to other students.
After taking admission in any class, if a pupil absents for 10 continuous days, the name will be struck off the rolls.
The School fees cover twelve calendar months which will be paid in April. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
Parents will kindly save the fee receipts issued to them for counter checking by the school office.
The school reserves the right to revise the fees without prior notice.
He fee defaulters may be debarred from examinations and are liable to have their names struck off the rolls.
Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in all matters concerning formation and education of their child. Parents are to look into the school diary every day and see to it that lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary by the Principal or the teachers should be seen and countersigned.
Criticism of child’s teacher or the school in the presence of the child should be avoided as it is likely to affect their good name.
If the parents have any grievance against any of the teachers, they are advised to meet the Principal and settle the matter amicably.
We do not recommend that parents engage private tutors unnecessarily. We discourage tuitions since they may prove harmful to the real progress of the pupil.
Parents are always welcome to interview the Principal to discuss the progress of their children. To consult the teachers regarding the progress of their children appointment is to be made through the Vice-Principal or the Principal for the free time of teachers or after class hours.
Please urge your wards to be regular and punctual in attendance and insist on neatness and cleanliness of their text books, exercise books and personal appearance.
No guardian is allowed to go into any classroom or go upstairs without the specific permission from school authorities.
The parents are requested not to give their cell phones for the use of the school students while visiting the school.
Attendants who bring children to school must come respectably dressed and leave the school immediately.
No conveyance is provided by the school.
Due to lack of parking space no student is permitted to bring 2 wheelers to school. Only cycles are permitted.
Strict silence shall be observed in the library.
Issue of books may at any time be suspended by the order of the Principal.
Students are to make good use of the School library.
All the students of VI to XII may borrow books from the library.
Students who fail to return the books on time will be fined one rupee per day.
If any book to be borrowed is damaged it should be brought to the attention of the librarian before leaving the counter.
Periodicals, Dictionaries and other costly books are only for reference in the library.
Each student can borrow one book at a time for 7/15 days.
Books should be covered and used.
All books taken from the library should be returned two weeks before the examination.
No student who has dues to the library will be issued any book till the dues are paid.
No fiction books will be issued to the students 15 days before the examination.
All articles and personal belongings must be left outside when entering the library.
School Uniform
Carmel believes in the sacred responsibility of incalculating in the pupils a sense of neatness and adjustment. The students have to come neatly and immaculately dressed in their school uniform which is as follows :
Nursery (Girls/Boys) : Scottish blue and red skirt / short pants, yellow blouse / shirt, white socks with blue line and black shoes.
Winter : Red pullover
LKG - HKG (Girls/Boys) : White half sleeved blouse / shirt, blue skirt / short pants, ankle length white socks with blue line and black shoes.
Winter : Navy blue pullover. Blue tie with white lines. Black full length tights for girls (optional).
P.T. Dress : White shorts and white blouse / shirt and white keds.
Std I - X (Girls) : Blue pinafore, white half sleeved blouse with black tights (shorter than the pinafore), ankle length white socks with blue line and black shoes.
Winter : Navy blue sweaters, black full length tights (optional), blue tie with white lines.
P.T. Dress : White uniform, white keds.
Std I - X (Boys) : White half sleeved shirt, blue short pants (I-V) blue trousers (VI-X), white socks, black shoes, black belt with a simple buckle.
Winter Std I - VIII : Navy blue pullovers, blue ties with white lines.
Winter Std IX - X : Navy blue blazers, Blue tie with white lines.
P.T. Dress : White uniform and white keds.
Std XI - XII (Girls) : White half sleeved blouse, grey pinafore, ankle length white socks, black shoes, black tights.
Winter : Navy blue blazer, grey and white tie.
Std XI - XII (Boys) : White half sleeved shirt, grey trousers, white socks, black shoes, black belt with a simple buckle.
Winter : Navy blue blazers, grey and white tie.
We Expects from our Students
To be friendly with one another in and out of SchoolTo avoid vulgarity in their talk and behaviour and thus uphold the dignity as persons.
To accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share.
To offer help to any unattended visitors they happen to meet in the School premises.
To rise when any Sister, Teacher or Visitor enters or passes through any room in which they happen to be.
To greet their teachers, all the members of the staff and elders wherever they meet.
To be courteous and sportsman like with opposing teams and with officials.
To respect the library and rights of other students using it.
To respect the beauty of the School premises and to report any damage which they may observe.
To avoid dropping papers in the School premises and to pick up any paper dropped by others.
To learn and observe good manners everywhere.
To desist from writing or drawing on the black board, from writing or soiling the walls and furniture.
To speak well of the School, Management, Teachers and Schoolmates.
To move gracefully and silently from the classroom to play ground, labs, hall and return in the same manner.
To submit at the office any valuables found in the campus.
To make the School Campus a place of happy interaction and joyful growing.
India is my country / All Indians are / my brothers and sisters / I love my country / and I am proud of / its rich / and varied heritage / I shall always strive / to be worthy of it / I shall give my parents / Teachers and elders / respect / and treat everyone / with courtesy / To my country / and my people / I pledge my devotion / In their well being / and prosperity alone lies my happiness